
CBG for Pets: the “Mother” of all Cannabinoids

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As a loving pet parent, you've likely heard about the many benefits of CBD for our four-legged companions. But have you ever wondered about the other cannabinoids in the cannabis plant?

These lesser-known compounds are like the unsung heroes of the canine wellness world, and one in particular, Cannabigerol or CBG, is making quite a splash.

Often referred to as the "mother of all cannabinoids", CBG is stepping out of the shadows of its more famous siblings, CBD and THC, and is ready to shine in the pet health spotlight.

So, put on your science caps, pet parents. It's time to dig into the wonders of CBG and explore how it can make a tail-wagging difference in your pet's life.

1. What is CBG?

We hear the words CBD and THC floating around everywhere nowadays, but what exactly is CBG? Revered as the “mother of all cannabinoids”, cannabigerol (CBG) is not as well-known as its siblings, yet still contributes a great deal to the overall medicinal benefits of cannabis.

The plant produces cannabigerolic acid (CBGA): the chemical precursor of THCA, CBDA, and CBCA. Enzymes turn CBGA into THCA, CBDA, or CBCA, then decarboxylate (activation by light/heat) it to create THC, CBD, or CBC. After decarboxylation, the remaining CBGA converts to CBG, so CBG tends to be more abundant in low-THC cannabis. Farmers are now breeding strains that maintain high levels of CBG during the plant’s maturation process, so the buds have high amounts of CBGA instead of the formerly mentioned.

2. How can CBG help my pet?

Like CBD and others found in cannabis, CBG is still being studied, but the results so far are very exciting! As a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, it is particularly appealing for our pets. There are several pet (and human) conditions CBG can potentially benefit, as more studies increasingly show positive results. These include neurological diseases, skin disorders or infections, chronic pain, bone repair, high blood pressure, inflammation, and so much more.

2.1 Glaucoma

CBG reduces intraocular pressure, which may be effective in treating glaucoma and other eye conditions.

2.2 High blood pressure

CBG is a powerful vasodilator, meaning it widens & relaxes the blood vessels. This helps the heart pump blood and the blood flow more easily, so it may be very useful in preventing or treating high blood pressure and other heart conditions like angina.

2.3 Nerve cell degeneration

It has neuroprotective and antioxidant qualities, research showing it protects the neurons of mice with Huntington’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis. This means it could possibly help improve recovery, memory, and movement in those with degenerative brain diseases.

2.4 Inflammation and gastrointestinal issues

CBG’s been shown to reduce inflammation, making it beneficial for countless conditions exacerbated by inflammation. It’s proven to be especially effective for inflammatory bowel disease, nausea, and other related conditions like Crohn’s disease or those causing digestive upset.

2.5 Cell and tumor growths

More studies are popping up, revealing that CBG may act as an antiproliferative, inhibiting tumors and blocking receptors that cause cancer cell growth. One even showed the inhibition of colorectal cancer cell growth in mice, which slowed the colon cancer growth overall.

2.6 Appetite stimulant

CBG’s showing to be a very strong appetite stimulant. This could be incredible for treating anorexia and cachexia (the muscle wasting and weight loss in cancer/other late stage diseases).

2.7 Skin conditions

Research reveals that CBG’s a powerful antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal. Especially against MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) -- a highly antibiotic-resistant strain of bacteria. It also inhibits keratinocyte proliferation. This makes it a promising treatment for a variety of skin disorders & irritations, such as psoriasis and eczema.

2.8 Pain reliever

CBG acts on the vanilloid receptor 1 (TrpV1), which controls body temperature and pain. As well as many other cannabinoids, CBG’s known to have analgesic properties, having been used for pain relief from Multiple Sclerosis to cancer to arthritis.

2.9 Bladder dysfunctions

The effects of cannabinoids have been tested on bladder contractions, finding CBG and THCV to most strongly inhibit the contractions. This means CBG could be very useful in the treatment of an overactive bladder and other similar dysfunctions.

2.10 Bone Stimulant

It’s shown that CBG triggers bone marrow stem cells, suggesting it can promote new bone growth and development. This may encourage the recovery of fractures and other bone injuries.

2.11 Depression and anxiety

CBG increases anandamide (AEA) levels, a cannabinoid known as the “bliss molecule”, which helps regulate functions like appetite, memory, mood, reproduction, & sleep. CBG additionally inhibits the uptake of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), beneficial for managing anxiety.

A helpful treatment for depression, CBG blocks serotonin receptors, which leads to higher concentrations of serotonin in the brain.

CBG also impacts the release of the stress hormones, epinephrine and norepinephrine, and can play a large role in calming the nervous system.


Due to its increase in AEA levels, CBG can aid focus and help relieve ADD/ADHD symptoms. Because of this, it can provide a mood uplift and is more energizing than its counterparts.

2.13 Potential Role In Seizure Control

CBG may also help control seizures due to its inhibition of GABA uptake, which is how many pharmaceuticals chemically work to treat seizures.

3. Choosing A Reliable CBG Product

Unlike CBD, there are not as many options for CBG oil out there just yet. But like CBD, trusting your source is extremely important. As always, make sure lab reports are readily available and ask the company about their growing process.

4. Understanding CBG Dosage For Pets

Start small with dosage, observe your pet’s behavior, and gradually increase if needed until desired results achieved. A commonly recommended starting dose for humans is between 10-25mg, so for pets it may be ideal to begin with between 1-5mg/10lb.

5. Considering CBG's Energizing Effects

It’s also good to remember that CBG’s reported to be more energizing than other cannabinoids, so giving in the morning or during the day may work best. Like always, all fur babies differ with their bodies and needs, so take the time to listen to theirs.

6. Evaluating CBG, CBD and Full Spectrum Options

Cannabigerol provides many benefits directly, but a significant amount also comes from the synergy between cannabinoids. Like people, some pets are sensitive to other cannabinoids and might react better to more CBD-rich options. If that’s not the case, however, then full-spectrum options are usually the way to go! That way, your pet can experience both the direct effects of CBG and full healing, synergistic effects of the plant.

7. Exploring the Health Benefits of CBG

Based on the growing research, CBG could be a potential treatment for our pet’s health conditions and soothe their nervous systems, while also still providing energy and mood uplift. Pets with arthritis, cancer, epilepsy, reproductive diseases, neurological disorders, cardiovascular issues, broken bones, fatigue, dermatitis, IBS, lack of appetite, bladder or GI tract problems, & more may all benefit from the use of CBG. In fact… can I get some of that too? Here’s a link to the very best 2:1 ratio CBD & CBG Oil For Dogs.


Cannabinoids Modulate Neuronal Activity and Cancer by CB1 and CB2 Receptor-Independent Mechanisms

The Use of Cannabinoids in Colitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Beneficial effect of the non-psychotropic plant cannabinoid cannabigerol on experimental inflammatory bowel disease

The current state and future perspectives of cannabinoids

Neuroprotective properties of CBG in Huntington's Disease

A Cannabigerol Quinone Alleviates Neuroinflammation in a Chronic Model of Multiple Sclerosis

Possibilities of applying cannabinoids' in the treatment of glaucoma

Colon carcinogenesis

Cannabigerol is a novel, well-tolerated appetite stimulant in pre-satiated rats

Effect of Non-psychotropic Plant-derived Cannabinoids on Bladder Contractility: Focus on Cannabigerol


In response to Maureen’s comment below:

Thank you for your question. Many pet owners have found that CBD or CBG products can be used alongside other supplements, like multivitamins or bladder support supplements. However, as every pet is unique, we always recommend discussing any new supplement regimen with your veterinarian. They can provide guidance based on a comprehensive understanding of your dog’s health and any potential interactions. It’s important to ensure the combination of supplements supports your pet’s overall well-being.
-Aaron Argueta
Bailey’s CBD For Pets

— Aaron argueta,

Can my dogs take these products while on a multivitamin and bladder support cranberry supplement?

— Maureen briggs,

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