Thanksgiving Pet Safety Tips

Thanksgiving is a warm time of the year where we get to connect with loved ones and enjoy time spent together over a delectable turkey feast. However, this traditional holiday can also pose some hazardous risks for pet owners to be aware of. Follow these tips to ensure a safe holiday for you and your furry family members:
Poison Risks
Consuming copious amounts of food is synonymous with Thanksgiving, and can be unhealthy for humans, but even worse for pets.
Keep the feast on the table - not under it. Fatty foods such as butter, bacon, fatty meat drippings, gravies, turkey or turkey skin – sometimes even a small amount – can cause a life-threatening condition in pets known as pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that can result in clinical signs of vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain. Some breeds, such as miniature Schnauzers, are very prone to developing pancreatitis but all dogs ingesting a large enough quantity of these foods are at risk. Symptoms may not be immediate and can occur up to 4 days after exposure. Because pancreatitis is an inflammatory condition, if you believe your pet has this condition, do not hesitate to give them Bailey's CBD oil, as it may help reduce the inflammation.
Many foods that are healthy for people are poisonous to pets – including onions, raisins, and grapes. If you want to share a Thanksgiving treat with your pet, make or buy a treat that is made just for them. Also, make sure to remind guests not to give in to table feeding.
Discarded food items such as corn cobs, discarded turkey trussing, and bones can result in an obstructive risk or gastrointestinal injury that may require surgical removal or repair.
Xylitol - candies, desserts, or other foods that are sweetened with an artificial sweetener called xylitol are dangerous to pets. Xylitol can result in a rapid drop in blood sugar in dogs along with liver damage.
Chocolates in our desserts or treats are dangerous to our pets. Remember that the darker the chocolate, the more serious the ingestion, and the less they will need to ingest to develop clinical signs of vomiting, diarrhea, agitation, tremors, increased heart rate along with potential seizures.
Put the trash away where your pets can’t find it. A turkey carcass sitting out on the carving table, or left in a trash container that is open or easily opened, could be deadly to your family pet. Dispose of turkey carcasses and bones – and anything used to wrap or tie the meat, such as strings, bags, and packaging – in a closed trash container outdoors (or behind a closed, locked door).
Quick action can save lives. If you believe your pet has been poisoned or eaten something it shouldn’t have, call your veterinarian or local veterinary emergency clinic immediately. You may also want to call the ASPCA Poison Control Hotline: 888-426-4435. Signs of pet distress include sudden changes in behavior, depression, pain, vomiting, or diarrhea. Contact your veterinarian immediately.
Precautions for Parties
Use these tips to plan ahead to keep your pet safe during Thanksgiving festivities:
Watch the exits. Even if your pets are comfortable around guests, make sure you watch them closely, especially when people are entering or leaving your home. While you’re welcoming hungry guests and collecting coats, a four-legged family member may make a break for it out the door and become lost.
ID Tag - whether you are hosting guests or traveling, check that your pet is wearing a collar or tag, with your current contact information, just in case they do slip out of the house without notice.
Visitors can upset your pets. Some pets are shy or excitable around new people or in crowds, and Thanksgiving often means many visitors at once and higher-than-usual noise and activity levels. If you know your dog or cat is nervous when people visit your home, put him/her in another room or a crate with a favorite toy and make sure to give them Bailey's CBD oil. This will help reduce the emotional stress and anxiety on your pet and protect your guests from possible injury.
Watch your pets around festive decorations. Special holiday displays or candles are attractive to pets as well as people. Never leave a pet alone in an area with a lit candle; it could result in a fire. And pine cones, needles, and other decorations can cause intestinal blockages or even perforate an animal’s intestine if eaten.
Travel Concerns
Whether you take your pets with you or leave them behind, take these precautions to safeguard them when traveling over the Thanksgiving holiday or at any other time of the year:
Traveling by air - If you are traveling by airplane with your pet, your pet may become highly anxious due to all the new ruckus and commotion, or by being caged up. Give your pet 2 drops per 10 lbs of Bailey's CBD oil at least one hour before leaving the house for your flight to help reduce your pet's travel anxiety.
Pets should always be safely restrained in vehicles. This means using a secure harness or a carrier, placed in a location clear of airbags. This helps protect your pets if you brake or swerve suddenly, or get in an accident; keeps them away from potentially poisonous food or other items you are transporting; prevents them from causing dangerous distractions for the driver; and can prevent small animals from getting trapped in small spaces. Never transport your pet in the bed of a truck.
Now that we got all of that out of the way, the Bailey's CBD family hopes that you, your family, and your pets all enjoy this Thanksgiving holiday!
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Marshall, Jo. “Thanksgiving Pet Safety Tips.” Pet Poison Helpline, 20 Nov. 2017,
“10 Tips for a Safe Thanksgiving.” Petfinder,
“Thanksgiving Pet Safety.”,