Everything You Need to Know About Keppra for Dogs

According to one recent report, 20% to 40% of all dogs with epilepsy suffer from a particular form of the condition called refractory, or drug-resistant, epilepsy.
Epilepsy is considered to be refractory when at least two appropriate, anticonvulsant medications have failed to adequately control the seizures, despite being used in serum concentrations considered to be in the standard therapeutic range.
If your pup is dealing with refractory epilepsy, your veterinarian might have suggested Keppra for dogs. One of the brand names for the medication Levetiracetam, Keppra is a new antiepileptic drug used to help manage the symptoms of refractory epilepsy in dogs and cats.
Before you begin administering this medication, you might have a few important questions, such as: Is it safe? What are the side effects you can expect? Are there any alternatives?
Today, we're taking a closer look at this anti seizure drug for dogs and sharing everything you need to know.
Table of Contents
- 1. What Is Keppra for Dogs?
- 2. How Does It Work?
- 3. Benefits to Note
- 4. What Are the Side Effects?
- 5. What Is the Proper Keppra Dosage?
- 5.1 When Will It Take Effect?
- 5.2 How Often Should I Administer It?
- 5.3 What If I Miss a Dose?
- 5.4 Are There Any Risk Factors?
- 5.5 What Are the Possible Drug Interactions?
- 6. How Should I Store Keppra?
- 7. Are There Any Alternatives to Keppra?
- 7.1 CBD and Seizures
- 8. Is Keppra Right For Your Dog?

1. What Is Keppra for Dogs?
Keppra is a brand name for Levetiracetam. Other brand names for this medication include Elepsia and Spritam. While it was designed specifically for use in humans, many vets use it in an off-label capacity.
This means that they're using it in a form that isn't explicitly listed on the drug's label but is generally considered safe. In dogs, vets typically prescribe Keppra in combination with other anticonvulsant medications. In cats, it can be used in combination or alone.
In addition to Levetiracetam, other options for dog seizure medication include phenobarbital and potassium bromide. However, these medications aren't always enough to control seizures on their own. In some pets, they can even trigger the onset of uncomfortable side effects, such as:
- Loss of coordination
- Sedation
- Changes in behavior
When this is the case, pet parents might look for alternative medicines to help their pup feel better, and Keppra could be one of their choices. If your vet recommends administering Keppra in conjunction with phenobarbital or potassium bromide, you may be able to lower the dosage of the latter two medications and still alleviate your pet's symptoms.
2. How Does It Work?
Have you wondered, "Why is my dog having seizures?" It can be extremely upsetting to witness your four-legged pal suffering from this condition.
In both pets and humans, seizures happen when the brain's neurons are discharging quickly and continuously, working at a pace far more intense than normal. This creates an increased level of electrical activity, which can lead to convulsions.
While they can be difficult to watch, the good news is that seizures in dogs aren't usually life-threatening. The exception would be a seizure in older dogs, or in dogs that have another underlying health condition.
What is Keppra used for in dogs? In short, this medication helps prevent seizures by attaching to a protein called synaptic vesicle protein 2A. This protein helps release chemical messages from your pup's nerve cells, which calms and stabilizes electrical activity in their brain.
3. Benefits to Note
If you're considering giving your pet Levetiracetam for dogs, the primary benefit should be a reduction in the number of seizures that your pet experiences. However, there could also be other benefits to starting this treatment.
One of those is a reduction in canine pacing. Often, dogs are prone to pacing after recovering from a seizure. This period, known as the "post-ictal" period, can last up to 24 hours depending on the individual dog.
It can include a range of uncomfortable side effects, including:
- Confusion
- Disorientation
- Aimless pacing
- Increased thirst
- Increased urination
Some dogs may also experience a reduction in sight or even blindness during this period. While some anticonvulsant drugs, such as phenobarbital, can actually increase restlessness and pacing in dogs with seizures, experts believe Keppra is less likely to cause this reaction.
In fact, Keppra should reduce pacing in your pup, as well as help control other seizure-related symptoms. If you find that it aggravates or increases their pacing, speak to your veterinarian to make sure the medication is being administered correctly. There could be other underlying issues, such as pain or anxiety, that are also causing the pacing.
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4. What Are the Side Effects?
If your vet has recommended Keppra as a potential dog seizures treatment, you naturally want to know the potential side effects that might occur. When you know what to expect, you can take the proper precautions to keep your pal safe and comfortable.
Most dogs seem to tolerate all forms of Levetiracetam, including Keppra, quite well. If side effects do occur, they are usually mild. Some of the ones to look out for include:
- Drowsiness
- Drooling
- Behavioral changes
- Loss of coordination
- Hyperactivity
- Aggression
- Gastrointestinal distress (vomiting or diarrhea)
While some dogs might seem calmer and less agitated on Keppra, others might have the opposite effect. You might notice that yours seems agitated and more aggressive.
While these are the only known side effects at this time, keep in mind that Keppra has only been used on a small number of pets to date. As this application becomes more common, other effects might become known. If you notice any side effects that seem severe or serious, such as persistent vomiting or sudden changes in behavior, reach out to your veterinarian immediately.
5. What Is the Proper Keppra Dosage?
It's always best to listen to your vet when measuring your exact Keppra for dogs dosage. However, it does help to know what's available and how to administer it.
This medication is commonly available in two different dosages, including:
- 500mg Levetiracetam tablets
- 750mg extended-release tablets
In addition, it can also be prepared as a liquid oral solution or given as an injection. Most vets measure Keppra dosage for dogs by weight to make sure your pup receives enough of the medication.
If your vet recommends a Keppra injection for your pup, this will usually take place in their clinic. If using the tablets or oral solution, you can give it with or without food.
Monitor your pup to see how they react after taking Keppra. If they vomit after taking it on an empty stomach, give all subsequent doses with food. Be sure to measure the liquid form carefully, and don't crush the extended-release tablets to avoid giving too much medication at once.
5.1 When Will It Take Effect?
You should notice the effects of Keppra in your pet within one to two hours. If you don't notice any changes, do not give any additional medication. Instead, reach out to your vet.
They can perform lab tests to evaluate how effectively the medication is working in your pup. Note that stopping this medication abruptly could trigger withdrawal seizures in your furry pal, so it's important to let your vet know if you're ready to taper them off of it.
5.2 How Often Should I Administer It?
While you might be familiar with giving your pup anticonvulsant medications once a day or even once every few days, Keppra typically works a little differently.
Often, vets will recommend that your pup take a standard tablet multiple times per day, up to three times daily. If you're giving them an extended-release tablet, you may be able to reduce that frequency to twice a day.
Why is this the case? Put simply, your pup's body breaks down this particular medication very quickly. In fact, the elimination half-life (the time it takes the plasma or blood level of the drug to fall by half) is around four to six hours.
While you might worry that administering Keppra so often may lead to an overdose, this isn't likely. The medication has a wide margin of safety. Still, your vet might want to monitor your pet's therapeutic blood levels via routine bloodwork.
If your pet has elevated levels of Keppra in their blood, they could exhibit negative side effects, such as:
- Increased agitation and restlessness
- Pacing
- Panting
RELATED: What To Do If Your Dog Won't Lay Down and Keeps Pacing
In addition, they may also become unsteady and experience difficulty walking. Their heart rate and blood pressure could also increase.
Fortunately, these effects are not common. Instead of being broken down by the liver, Keppra passes directly into your pup's urine. This makes it safe for most dogs to take, including those with impaired livers or liver damage.
However, researchers are still performing tests to investigate all of the adverse effects it might have, so it's always best to stick with your vet's guidelines.
5.3 What If I Miss a Dose?
If you miss a dose of Keppra, try to give it as soon as you remember it. However, keep your dosing schedule in mind. If it's almost time for your pup's next dose, skip the one you missed and give it at the scheduled time.
IMPORTANT: You should never give your pet two doses of Keppra at once, or more than their recommended dose.
5.4 Are There Any Risk Factors?
Your veterinarian should not prescribe Keppra for your pup if they're allergic to any of the ingredients in the medication. It's also smart to use this drug cautiously if your pet suffers from liver or kidney disease, as they could be extra sensitive to it, and to avoid giving it to dogs who are pregnant or nursing.
5.5 What Are the Possible Drug Interactions?
Before administering Keppra, speak to your veterinarian if your pup is currently taking any of the following medications:
- Central nervous system depressants
- Carbamazepine (used to treat seizures, pain, and behavioral issues)
- Methotrexate (prescribed for immune diseases)
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
- Phenobarbital (used to treat seizures)
In addition, remember to tell your vet about any herbal supplements or vitamins that your pup may be taking!
6. How Should I Store Keppra?
You can store Keppra tablets and the liquid oral solution at room temperature. They do not need to be refrigerated.
7. Are There Any Alternatives to Keppra?
As mentioned, there are a number of different medications designed to help dogs who suffer from seizures. This includes human medications, such as Keppra, that are used off-label for pets. If you believe that Keppra for dogs might be ideal for your pup, we encourage you to reach out to your veterinarian to learn more about it.
As you continue to explore and research your options, we also want to point you toward some natural options that might suit your pal, including CBD for dogs.
7.1 CBD and Seizures
Did you know that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved CBD as an anti-seizure medication for children? Prescribed under the name Epidiolex, it received FDA approval in June of 2018.
While this medication is reserved for human use, it does indicate that there could be potential for CBD to be used as a more widespread form of seizure treatment. It may even help our pets who suffer from seizures.
If you're interested in trying our CBD products for pets, we suggest starting with our Full-Spectrum CBD Oil. Formulated to support your pup's overall wellness and gently induce a sense of calm, it may help control the side effects of your pet's seizures, including the agitation and pacing that can accompany the post-ictal period.
As you evaluate forms of CBD online, remember to only purchase your products from a trusted, reliable source, like Bailey's. Our CVO is Dr. Robert J. Silver, DVM, who has been studying the effects of phytocannabinoids on cats, dogs, and horses for more than 30 years. You can read all about the rest of our team here!
Our company has been around for more than seven years and we're highly reputed by even the most discerning pet owners. With more than 1,300 reviews online, it's easy to see why we've become the go-to source for CBD oil, topicals, and treats for pets!

8. Is Keppra Right For Your Dog?
As responsible and loving pet parents, we don't want to ever see our fur-babies in pain. That's why it can be so hard to watch your furry pal suffer from seizures, as well as all of the side effects, including pacing.
If your vet has recommended Keppra for dogs to help control your pup's symptoms, it's important to learn as much about this medication as possible. In addition, you may want to explore other options, such as our CBD oil, to help soothe their discomfort.
If you're interested in learning more about our products and how they work, feel free to check out our full collection of CBD for dogs!
RE: Hello Judy,
Thank you for reaching out and sharing your experience with our CBD chewies. I’m sorry to hear that your lab isn’t a fan of the flavors we currently offer. It can be challenging to find the right product that your pet enjoys, especially when they have specific taste preferences.
While we primarily offer CBD in oil and chew forms, we understand that not all pets will accept these. Unfortunately, we do not currently have CBD in tablet form, but I can suggest a couple of alternatives that might work for your lab:
CBD Oil: This can be a good alternative as it allows you to control the dosage precisely and can be mixed into your dog’s favorite food or a treat he loves. It’s also flavor-neutral, which means it won’t have the banana or peanut butter flavors that your dog dislikes.
Custom Application: Some pet owners find success in applying CBD oil directly onto a small piece of a favorite treat or mixing it into a little bit of a preferred wet food to mask the texture and presence of the CBD.
We’re committed to helping you find a solution that works for Bentley, so please feel free to reach out if you need further assistance or have any more questions. You can contact us at info@baileyscbd.com or call (844)738-7223.
Thank you for choosing Bailey’s CBD, and we look forward to assisting you further.
Hello Tracy,
I’m truly sorry to hear about Bentley’s recent challenges with seizures. It must be distressing to see him go through this, especially when the medication doesn’t seem to take immediate effect. Keppra can be very effective for managing seizures in dogs, but it sometimes takes a little time to see its full impact, especially within the first few days of starting treatment.
Adding CBD to Bentley’s treatment plan could be a consideration to help manage his seizures alongside Keppra. CBD has been noted for its potential to reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures and to help manage the stress and discomfort associated with them. However, it’s crucial to approach this carefully and coordinate with your veterinarian. They can provide guidance on whether CBD is appropriate for Bentley’s specific condition and, if so, recommend the correct dosage and form.
If you decide to explore this option, please ensure that any CBD product you use is specifically formulated for pets, to ensure safety and efficacy. Also, monitoring Bentley closely for any changes in his condition or potential interactions between the CBD and his current medications is important.
We’re here to help if you need more information or wish to discuss CBD options further. Feel free to email us at info@baileyscbd.com or call (844)738-7223. Our thoughts are with you and Bentley, and we hope for his quick recovery and better days ahead.
Hello Hayley,
Thank you for your question regarding the use of Keppra (levetiracetam) for your dog. It’s good to hear that you’re considering different options to potentially make medication management easier.
Switching from standard Keppra, which is typically administered three times daily, to Keppra XR (extended-release), which is usually taken twice daily, can be a convenient option for many pet owners. However, it’s essential to approach this change carefully to ensure it maintains its effectiveness and does not disrupt your dog’s current management of their condition.
The exact dosing and suitability of switching to Keppra XR would depend on several factors, including your dog’s specific health needs, weight, the severity of their condition, and how they’ve responded to the current medication regimen. It’s crucial to make this change under the guidance of a veterinarian. They can provide the right dosage calculation and closely monitor your dog’s response to the new medication schedule to ensure it continues to effectively manage their condition.
You’re already planning the right next step by consulting with your dog’s medical doctor. They are the best resource to advise you on whether this switch is suitable for your dog and how to implement it safely.
Thank you for being proactive about your dog’s health, and I hope the consultation provides you with the guidance needed to continue managing your pet’s condition effectively.
RE: Hello Jackie,
Thank you for your comment and for raising such an important question regarding the use of Keppra versus CBD for managing seizures in dogs.
Keppra (levetiracetam) is a prescription medication that is specifically designed to treat seizures in humans and has been adapted for use in veterinary medicine due to its effectiveness and relative safety. It works by affecting the transmission of nerve signals in the brain, helping to prevent abnormal electrical activity that can lead to seizures.
On the other hand, CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in cannabis and hemp that is also known for its potential to help manage seizures, among other conditions. CBD is believed to work by interacting with the endocannabinoid system in the body, which helps maintain balance and stability in various physiological processes, including neurological function. While CBD is not a cure for medical conditions, many pet owners have reported seeing improvements in their pets’ seizure frequency and intensity when using CBD. However, it’s important to note that research into CBD’s effectiveness and mode of action is still ongoing.
Choosing between Keppra and CBD might depend on several factors, including the severity of your dog’s seizures, their overall health, and how they respond to different treatments. It’s always best to consult with a veterinarian who can provide guidance based on your dog’s specific health needs and history.
If you’re considering CBD for your dog, it’s important to use products that are specifically designed for pets, ensuring they are safe and appropriately dosed. Always start with a low dose and monitor your dog’s response, adjusting as recommended by your veterinarian.
I hope this helps clarify the differences between Keppra and CBD, and how each might play a role in managing seizures. If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to reach out.
Best regards,
Why woukd I use Keppra over a cbd product
And how exactky does the cbd work and stop seizures