
CBD Oil For Dogs With Lymphoma

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Cancer is a disease that does not discriminate, whether human or canine. The symptoms alone can drastically affect quality of life. It can be painful, disheartening, and sometimes feel hopeless.

Especially when it’s our dog, who we love and want to be healthy. It’s heartbreaking to know they’re hurting but can’t tell us what they need.

You aren’t alone. There is strength in community, and we help each other the best way we can by sharing what helps us.

Support systems and medical research expand daily. More treatments are being developed, and many once-fatal conditions are now curable.

Understanding our pet’s condition can help parents make informed decisions about our pup’s health.

1. What is Lymphoma?

Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system, usually affecting areas of the body with lymphocytes (white blood cells that help the immune system fight infection). This includes the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland, and bone marrow. Lymphoma can affect any organ but often affects organs in the immune system.

It is commonly found in dogs and very similar to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in humans.

Although all bodies & treatments differ, canine lymphoma is so similar to human non-Hodgkin’s, that veterinarians use almost the same chemotherapy protocols for treatment.

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2. Types of Lymphoma in Dogs

Even though there are over thirty known types of canine lymphoma, the four most common found in dogs are:

  • Multicentric lymphoma
  • Alimentary lymphoma
  • Mediastinal lymphoma
  • Extranodal lymphoma

3. Common Treatments for Lymphoma

Common treatments for canine lymphoma are chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and/or surgery. The type of chemotherapy varies based on the cancer and veterinarian’s recommendation.

CBD and hemp have also rapidly grown in popularity for canine lymphoma treatment, symptom relief, chemotherapy side effects, and improving quality of life. For late stages of lymphoma, parents use CBD to make their pup’s time more comfortable.

Canine Cannabinoid Receptor Infographic Chart - Bailey's CBD For Pets

4. CBD and the Endocannabinoid System

The lymphatic system is part of the immune and circulatory systems, which are heavily regulated by the endocannabinoid system.

All vertebrae mammals have an endocannabinoid system (ECS). It maintains homeostasis: our inner physiological balance.

The ECS helps regulate our vital physiological functions and nervous, endocrine, digestive, & immune systems. It heavily impacts our overall health, influencing things like sleep, metabolism, inflammation, pain, wound healing, and much more.

The ECS is made up of cannabinoid receptors found throughout the body, bones, bodily systems, and major organs. Cannabinoids (like CBD) and other hemp plant compounds interact with these receptors.

Cannabinoids play important roles in appetite, pain management, inflammation, immune function, and more. The body naturally produces endo-cannabinoids, while plants (like hemp) contain phyto-cannabinoids (CBD, CBN, CBG, etc).

Many struggle to produce their own endo-cannabinoids, choosing to regularly supplement with phyto-cannabinoids like CBD. When the ECS is out of balance, so is our physiological balance. Endocannabinoid deficiency is linked to various chronic conditions.

CBD and hemp are heavily explored for their use in cancer treatment and many associated symptoms.

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5. Symptoms of Lymphoma in Dogs

Types, stages, symptoms, pain levels, and treatment of lymphoma in dogs all vary. Some of the following symptoms have been noted with the respective types of lymphoma.

5.1 Multicentric Lymphoma

Symptoms for multicentric lymphoma in dogs include:

  • Swollen and inflamed lymph nodes
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
  • Anorexia and loss of appetite

5.2 Alimentary Lymphoma

Symptoms for alimentary lymphoma in dogs include:

  • Vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Weight loss and anorexia

5.3 Mediastinal Lymphoma

Symptoms for mediastinal lymphoma in dogs include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling and inflammation of face or front legs
  • Increased thirst and urination

5.4 Extranodal Lymphoma

Symptoms of extranodal lymphoma in dogs depend on the affected organs.

Some common types include affecting the:

  • Cutaneous lymphoma: irritations, raised nodules, scaly lesions on skin, gums, lips, roof of mouth
  • Lungs: respiratory distress
  • Kidneys: renal failure
  • Eyes: blindness, difficulty seeing
  • Central Nervous System: seizures
  • Bones: pain and fractures
Informative visual guide from Bailey's about administering the correct CBD oil dosage to pets.

6. How Can CBD Help Lymphoma in Dogs?

Can CBD help with the symptoms and treatment of lymphoma in dogs? The number of pet parents choosing hemp help suggests yes.

Whether to support ongoing lymphoma treatment or soothe symptoms, CBD is used for many issues related to canine lymphoma.

6.1 CBD for Vomiting, Nausea, Appetite, & Gastrointestinal Issues

Vomiting and gastrointestinal conditions affect many dogs with lymphoma, especially alimentary. This is painful, can reduce our dog’s appetite, and prevent getting important nutrients.

CBD stimulates the ECS, which helps regulate our pup’s endocrine system. The endocrine system controls their metabolism, affecting appetite, weight, & nutrient absorption.

CBD can modulate serotonin flow, reducing further stimulation of the brain’s vomiting center. It directly activates the 5-HT1A serotonin receptor. Found in both the central & peripheral nervous systems, this receptor is well-known for impacting appetite, sleep, pain perception, vomiting, and nausea.

Gastrointestinal issues such as inflammation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and more can hurt our dog’s appetite. CBD targets the reasons for appetite loss, potentially helping by calming the symptoms causing anorexia.

Another cannabinoid found in hemp, CBDA is the raw, unheated form of CBD. Research shows CBDA has an even stronger affinity for this receptor and is studied as a powerful antiemetic.

Many cannabinoid receptors are found in our pup’s gut, and studies suggest endocannabinoid deficiency may cause intestinal disorders.

6.2 CBD for Pain Support

While not all canine lymphoma causes pain, many pups do experience painful and debilitating symptoms.

In addition to helping painful gastrointestinal issues, CBD is used as a pain-reliever for countless conditions. CBD and other hemp compounds are used for relaxation, muscle spasms, and nerve pain.

CBD binds to the TRPV1 receptor, which regulates pain perception, body temperature, and inflammation.

Many cancerous lesions also deal with nerve innervation, causing nerve pain. Some pups struggle with highly-sensitive lesions deeply-embedded into bodily tissue or organs. The ECS regulates nerve growth, and cannabinoid receptors are found on nerves connected to the lesions. Studies show CBD prevents these receptors’ activation, preventing more nerve growth.

Cancerous cells often move around and grow in the body. They create networks of blood vessels to supply them with nutrients (vascularization). Research explores how cannabinoids may help control and prevent cell migration & vascularization. CBD blocks the GPR18 receptor, which may prevent cells from moving. Research supports that cannabinoids inhibit vascularization.

6.3 CBD for Seizures

Seizures can occur for some dogs with extranodal lymphoma. Research explores how CBD affects CB1 receptors in our pup’s brain and calms overactive neurons, helping reduce seizure activity and severity.

6.4 CBD for Bone Health

CBD blocks the brain’s GPR55 signaling. An overactive GPR55 receptor is associated with osteoporosis and cancer cell growth. As a result, CBD is used for bone reabsorption and cell proliferation.

Some symptoms for canine extranodal lymphoma include bone pain and fractures. Supplementing with CBD may help support overall bone health, chronic pain, and pain caused by injury.

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6.5 CBD for Inflammation and Immune Health

The ECS heavily regulates our pup’s immune system, and CBD is popularly used for treating inflammation. The immune system plays a large role in the balance between inflammation and anti-inflammation.

Inflammation is a necessary response the body uses to protect and heal itself from injury. It is when white blood cells accumulate at an injury site. White blood cells fight infection by attacking bacteria, viruses, and germs. Inflammation’s purpose is to eliminate the initial trauma and damaged cells, then start repairing the body.

When our pup’s immune system is out of balance or they’re dealing with a health condition like cancer, it can cause excessive inflammation. This leads to other chronic issues, symptoms, and a lower immune system that’s unable to function effectively.

Since CBD interacts with white blood cells, consistently giving our pet CBD may help protect their body against daily threats to the immune system.

6.6 CBD and Homeostasis

CBD supports the ECS, which maintains our body’s inner physiological balance (homeostasis). Cannabinoid receptors are being discovered daily, but so far they’ve been found in the brain, CNS, PNS, spinal cord, connective tissues, glands, immune cells, and many organs. These organs include the lungs, liver, and kidneys.

More research shows that endocannabinoids help vital bodily systems communicate and function. When our dog’s body lacks endocannabinoids or has an illness that disrupts the ECS, they may experience fatigue, organ problems, and much more.

Consistent CBD use encourages these systems to communicate effectively and supports endocannabinoid deficiency.

“With its complex actions in our immune system, nervous system, and virtually all of the body’s organs, the endocannabinoids are literally a bridge between body and mind. By understanding this system, we begin to see a mechanism that could connect brain activity and states of physical health and disease.” [1]

CBG Oil For Dogs With Lymphoma Cancer - Learn About Bailey's CBG Oil For Dogs

7. CBG Oil for Dogs with Lymphoma

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is simply one small part of hemp. Hemp is made of up over hundreds of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and other plant compounds that contribute to its overall benefits.

Another promising cannabinoid being explored more today is cannabigerol, or CBG. CBG shows promise for helping countless conditions also associated with canine lymphoma, including: glaucoma, high blood pressure, nerve cell degeneration, inflammation & gastrointestinal issues, cell & tumor growth, stimulating appetite, skin conditions, pain relief, bladder dysfunction, bone repair & growth, depression, anxiety, and seizures.

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8. Are CBD Oil or CBD Treats Best for my Dog?

Whether supporting lymphoma treatment or another condition, the CBD consumption method depends on what’s easiest and best for YOUR dog. What’s most important is choosing high-quality, lab-tested hemp products.

Some pups may prefer treats, while others prefer oil. Oils typically contain more concentrated amounts of cannabinoids, but Bailey’s CBD treats contain specific blends for pain & wellness. We also carry a high-CBG CBD oil.

Many pet parents choose a combination of CBD treats and CBD oil for their dog. For most noticeable results, take CBD daily and be proactive about your dog’s overall health. Always consult a licensed veterinarian before starting new routines or supplements.

We’ve listed some support groups below for pet parents and their dogs with lymphoma. We know this is difficult, and you don’t need to do it alone.

Dog Cancer Support Groups for Pet Parents:

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any condition. Please consult a licensed healthcare physician before consuming new supplements or herbs.


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